A wonderful act of kindness was caught on CCTV at the right place at the right time and it restored our faith in humanity once more. The CCTV camera captured a woman leaving a cafe on a cold and rainy day in Zonguldak, Turkey. As she stepped out the door, she noticed a stray dog […]
Dog New
Dog Finds A Box Of Abandoned Kittens And Becomes The Best Foster Dad
SCARS is a rescue animals organization that was founded in 2015. The name SCARS may seem like a sad acronym but the founders believe that animals can carry emotional scars the same way humans can and they always need help. Just within last month, SCARS rescued more than 25 kittens. Meet Aragon, a rescue dog […]
10+ Dangerous Dogs Behind Those “Beware Of Dog” Signs
We all want to be safe and ready for almost anything. So, we’re always wary whenever we see a ‘BEWARE OF THE DOG’ sign. Such a warning makes us think that behind a thin fence is a snarling and aggressive dog with sharp teeth who is waiting to rip someone. However, some signs warn us […]
The Little Japanese Girl And Her Giant Poodle Will Be The Cutest Thing You See Today
It’s not random that dogs are considered great companions in a child’s life. Therefore, your children should all experience the love of a pet to grow and have great friends in the family. Meet Mame, a one-year-old Japanese girl, and her friend, Riku, a giant poodle. They are the cutest besties you’ve ever seen. These […]
These Custom Pet Slippers Are So Realistic That Pets Become Jealous
Pets are undoubtedly one of the best friends of humans. They’re there to cuddle with you on a bad day and help you have a happy life. So, you consider your pets a part of your family and always find ways to show your love to them. That’s why it should come as no surprise […]