Carl Dean, esposo de Dolly Parton durante más de 60 años, murió en Nashville, Tennessee, anunció la cantante en sus redes sociales el lunes. Carl y yo pasamos muchos años maravillosos juntos. Las palabras no pueden hacer justicia al amor que compartimos durante más de 60 años. Gracias por sus oraciones y su simpatía, […]
WHY: Michelle Trachtenberg’s devastated mother discovered her daughter in bed one morning, “Just last night, she told me she tried a … .Cau
New details have emerged in the death of actress Michelle Trachtenberg her mother tragically discovered her daughters body in bed Wednesday morning, just months after her liver transplant, TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Lana entered Michelles Manhattan apartment, only to find her unresponsive, lying on her back in bed Lana then […]
Grieving Mother of Michelle Trachtenberg recalls the morning she found her daughter in bed, “Last night, she told me she saw a… .Cau
Han surgido nuevos detalles sobre la muerte de la actriz Michelle Trachtenberg su madre descubrió trágicamente el cuerpo de su hija en la cama el miércoles por la mañana, solo unos meses después de su trasplante de hígado, según ha podido saber TMZ. Fuentes policiales dijeron a TMZ Lana entró al apartamento de Michelle […]
Heartbroken Mother of “Michelle Trachtenberg” wept in anguish, blaming herself for not being there to protect her daughter, recalling the moment she found her lying in bed, her hand still tightly gripping a … .Cau
Actress Michelle Trachtenberg, who brought both depth and range to roles on popular TV shows such as Gossip Girl and Buffy The Vampire Slayer, has died at age 39. The New York Police Department responded to a 911 call around 8 a.m. in Manhattan Wednesday morning. Upon arrival, officers observed a 39-year-old female unconscious […]
“BREAKING: Aishwarya Rai Reportedly Turned Down a Hollywood Film with Brad Pitt Due to a Personal Promise”.Viet
Aishwarya Rai was offered a pivotal role in Brad Pitt-starrer Troy but she turned it down because she had made promises in India. Aishwarya Rai was a movie star in India when she started getting many international film offers. Hollywood was completely in awe of Aishwarya after her film Devdas was screened at Cannes Film […]